Montessori School

& goal-oriented


All英語 + Finland早期教育
EASE English and Montessori Preschool(EEMS:イームス)は、独自のモンテッソーリ思考に加えて、フィンランドの早期教育(Early Childhood Education, ECE)の理念を導入しています。ヘルシンキ大学教育学部と共同開発のプログラムを提供するHEI SchoolとEEMSは提携関係を結び、お子様方が充実した教育体験を享受できるように工夫されたプログラムを提供します。その理念概要の詳細は以下リンクをご参照ください。
Welcome to EEMS Pre-School
English and Montessori

英語 × モンテッソーリ × 成功体験
English x Montessori x Successful Experience
“Power to Persevere”
世界中の人と接し 多岐にわたる分野で活躍できる国際人に育ってほしい
Through English Montessori immersion education,
we want to raise international minded students who can play an active role in society inspired by a wide range of fields that are respected no matter where they go in the world and whom they interact with.

- All English
- 少人数制だから対話で英語が伸びる!
- 長時間保育のPreschool
- モンテッソーリ理念は早期英語教育とベストマッチ
- 発育に合わせたモンテッソーリ教具
- 言語・文化・数学・知識・知的好奇心を育むカリキュラム
- 屋上プレイルームで多様なアクティビティ
- モンテッソーリ理念は生まれながらに持っている力を発揮させる
- 大きな公園のとなりで運動量も豊富に
- 経営母体のクリニックが併設だから安心
- バイリンガル保育士常駐による安心の保育環境
- 安心安全にご利用いただける
スクールバスサービス - (送迎エリア例:月島/勝どき/豊洲/築地/日本橋/茅場町/江東区 etc...)

1 英語について
1. About English
In addition to spending the whole day with
a foreign teacher, a foreign instructor who has childcare experience will participate in childcare activities as well.
2 サークルタイムについて
2. About circle time
We use the NES Global curriculum that helps students learn words and pronunciation from songs and games under the guidance of the proven. We want to create an environment where children want to learn by themselves.

3 アクティビティ(遊び)
3. About activity (play)
We are engaged in learning activities through play that incorporates fine motor skills and promote the development of dexterity through hand and eye coordination. We also do arts and crafts according to the theme of the month.
4 日常生活の練習
4. Daily Life Practice
Students can enjoy learning the rules of daily life in a group. Students can collect stickers while listening to the teacher's story, being kind to new friends, and tidying up by themselves.
5 食育について
5. About Nutrition Education
We select safe and secure ingredients and cook from our own garden.
In addition to the theme of the month, we are also planning to introduce food cultures of different countries. We also handle allergies, so don't worry about that.
6 連絡帳・成長の記録について
6. Contact book / Growth record
We use an app called “Kodmon” as a contact book and growth record. You can easily write down any information at home on your smartphone.

7 朝の準備について
7. About Morning Preparation
There is no other preparation for parents to do at the nursery school during busy hours in the morning. We will take care of your daily belongings with your child and the nursery teacher will prepare everything.
8 プログレスレポートついて
8. About progress report
We provide a progress report for each term. We inform individual students about their learning and growth during their regular childcare hours and messages from the teacher.
9 毎月のイベントについて
9. About monthly events
We hold seasonal events such as Easter, Halloween and Christmas every year. We also hold other fun events such as pajama day and crazy hair day.
10 子どもの発育相談について
10. About child development consultation
When studying Montessori and English, we will provide education according to the growth process. So we will provide personalized development consultation. Please feel free to contact us by e-mail, phone, or directly when picking up and dropping off.

〒104-0042 東京都中央区入船1-1-24
◆日比谷線・京葉線 八丁堀駅 A2出口から徒歩1分
◆有楽町線 新富町駅から徒歩7分
◆都営浅草線 宝町駅から徒歩7分